Product Information
Welcome to the instantAdmin User Guide

A great deal of design effort has gone into making instantAdmin easy to use and consequently it has been possible to keep the User Guide reasonably short. If you are a first time user then you will benefit from reading the Guide from beginning to end. Subsequently of course you can jump to relevant sections as required by clicking on the relevant heading on the index page.

A Quick Introduction...

instantAdmin is divided into four main sections: Clients/Sales, Suppliers/Purchases, Overview and Ideas...

Clients/Sales - The Sales section is built around a Database of your Client (Customer) Contacts. Firstly find the Client you wish to deal with, then, at the click of a button, you can create Quotes, Invoices, Letters and Emails relating to that Client. You can also create Bulk Mailing lists and send individually customised Emails or Letters to all of your Customers at once or smaller groups of Customers as required.

Suppliers/Purchases - The Purchases section is built around a Database of your Supplier Contacts. Find the relevant Supplier and enter Purchases, create Letters or send Emails to that Supplier. Note: You don't need to find the relevant Supplier for each individual Purchase. Instead you can enter multiple Purchases quickly by selecting the Supplier from a drop down list for each Purchase in the 'New Purchases/s' section. You can also create Bulk Mailing lists and send individually customised Emails or Letters to all of your Suppliers at once, or to smaller groups of Suppliers as required.

Overview - The Overview section contains Reports & Analysis for all Sales and Purchases year by year. It covers both 'Accounting by Invoice' and 'Cash Accounting' and calculates Sales Tax breakdowns for either of these accounting methods. Also included is a 'Cost Analysis', which breaks down all Purchases and costs into different categories, and an 'Individual Payments' section which lists all Money Paid In or Out.

Ideas - The Ideas section is a Database of Notes for Ideas, To-Do’s and other random thoughts on any subject. They are created with user-definable categories making them quick to enter and quick to find.

instantAdmin has a consistent way of working regardless of which section you are in...

The Main Menu allows you to navigate to each of the four main sections. From each section you can navigate to other screens. From the other screens the '<<< Back' button is used to navigate back to the main menu/sections.

The Arrow Buttons: You can scan through records one by one using the arrow buttons, a record being a clients details, an invoice, a quote, a purchase etc. depending on which section you are in. The number between the forward and backwards arrows indicates the current record being displayed out of the current found set.

The 'Found Set' number in the top right hand corner next to the arrows indicates the number of records that you are currently browsing. This will vary depending on the last Find you performed.

The figure in brackets on the 'Find All' button indicates the total number of existing records. Clicking on this button will find all existing records.

All email features use your existing email client (Microsoft's Outlook or Mac OS X's 'Mail' application) to send the messages. This should launch automatically but, just to be sure, it's worth launching manually if it isn't already open before sending any mail. You will of course need to have an internet account, with the facility to send email, already set up with an ISP.

The ‘Zoom’ menu: You can access the zoom menu from any part of the application. It allows you to ‘Zoom In’ which magnifies the current page view making it easier to enter/read text for documents such as invoices or letters, you can then ‘Zoom Out’ when done.

That completes the introduction. Now we'll add more detail starting with the Clients / Sales section...

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